

Hello everyone, I'm Duncan Wong. Because of my passion for learning languages, I used to live in Canada and Central America and have been both as an English teacher and a translator for almost a decade.

Today, English is an extremely critical language for professional programs or personal career goals. When most people are just starting to learn English or need some motivation to continue learning in the future, understanding the importance of learning English will help them in their future careers and change their lives. More importantly, turning English learning into a cultural trend for all people will lead Taiwan to connect with the rest of the world and give Taiwanese a broader international perspective. This will help raise Taiwan's international competitiveness.

Through English, I was able to experience new culture and meet new friends from Latin America.

Since the establishment of the bilingual classes at Yang Mei High School, the school and teachers have been actively working to create a better and more appropriate bilingual environment for students to study English. As a member of the bilingual class at YMHS, I hope that the students will enjoy learning English through an immersive learning process. The mindset in the process of learning English is quite important. The very crucial key is "perseverance". Any good method without this key will greatly reduce the effectiveness of learning. I also look forward to seeing students use their English skills to create a brighter future for themselves.

central america experience

canada experience

Through English, I hope to share my international and personal experience to my students and hopefully, they will be inspired to do the same or similarly, follow a path where their heart genuinely belongs to.