Chofu High School (japan), ymhs (taiwan) Collaborate to Foster Global Understanding

Chofu High School in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan and Yang Mei Senior High School (YMHS) in Taoyuan City, Taiwan, took a significant step towards fostering cultural exchange and international understanding during a virtual preliminary meeting held on September 28th at 3:30 PM. The meeting saw the participation of key educators, including Miss Jessy Silva, a Foreign English Teacher from the Philippines currently working at YMHS, Lea Zhuang, one of YMHS's bilingual coordinators, Juicy Mae Ligad, an Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) from the Philippines currently working at Chofu High School, alongside Japanese supervisors and teachers.

In this constructive meeting, Jessy Silva proudly presented an overview of YMHS's bilingual programs, highlighting their virtual exchange activities and the innovative Culture Box initiative. Chofu High School expressed its enthusiasm for being selected as a recipient of the Culture Box, and both schools eagerly anticipate a rich cultural exchange through these boxes and the virtual exchange project.

Chofu High School was particularly impressed with the breadth of programs presented by YMHS and expressed their eagerness to embark on their first-ever exchange with Taiwanese students. Jessy Silva expressed her gratitude to Juicy Mae Ligad for initiating contact and working together to implement this exciting proposal.

The road to setting a schedule for the exchange was not without its challenges, as the two schools grappled with differences in their academic calendars and class times. However, through extensive discussions, a consensus was reached, and the target date for the exchange was set for January 11, 2024. This extended timeline will allow both Japanese and Taiwanese students ample time to enhance their presentation and cultural knowledge skills.

The Chofu High School community envisions the exchange to be an informal and engaging opportunity for students to freely ask questions about school life, daily routines, personal hobbies, and the traditions of their respective countries. Due to the one-hour time difference between Japan and Taiwan, the exchange will take place from 9:45 AM to 10:45 AM virtually in Taiwan.

Furthermore, it's noteworthy that Juicy Mae Ligad also works with Asa High School in the same prefecture in Japan. This collaboration opens the door for similar exchanges and further opportunities to promote cultural understanding.

YMHS has not limited its aspirations to this partnership alone. The school has applied for more exchanges in Japan through With the World, Inc., signaling their intention to expand its exchanges with Japanese schools in different cities and prefectures.

This partnership is a testament to YMHS's commitment to nurturing internationally-minded students who can transcend the boundaries of the classroom and become proficient in bilingualism, ensuring a brighter future built on global cooperation and understanding.